Friday, July 16, 2010

Skip Fordyce Harley Davidson Bike Night Update

Just got back from the event and took only a handful of pics due to batteries dying.

The event didn't appear to have the usual number of bikes in attendance, but there were probably over 50.  Some of the usual faces were there, including a few mugs from the local Harley Owners Group chapter.

We had a good time.  The kids won a couple of t-shirts from the KFROG booth.  They occupied themselves in the lounge area, watching T.V. and playing some good old fashioned pool.

The local H.O.G. chapter had a fundraiser, selling miscellaneous baked goods.  I made my donation in exchange for some cookies and chocolate covered pretzels.

Skip's provided some food in the form of lasagna, bread sticks, salad, and drinks.  The food was great.

The only downside to the whole event was the heat.  Today was just awful.  It started to cool down as it got dark, but after being in the sun all day, I was beat.

Here are a few pics that I was able to get prior to the batteries dying in the old Canon.

This old Harley is a '42.  It was totally cool.

I believe the owner stated that this Heritage is a '99.  I liked what he had done to it.

I really dig the gold leaf on this bike. Attention to detail was added with copper-colored pieces here and there.

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