Saturday, July 24, 2010

Bike Wash

After going to the local car and bike show, my number one girl and I washed my bike.

I've been telling a friend about how I've been telling my wife how someday I'm going to get an attractive girl to sit on my bike while I take a picture of her.  I would then post the picture on my blog.  This seems to infuriate my spouse to no end.  Anyway, he told me to take a picture of my daughter on my bike and after teasing the wife with a story of how I got some cute girl to pose for me, I should reveal the real picture that I took.  Anyway, she discovered my plot before I successfully annoyed her.

Here's the image that was intended to piss of the wife.  Why do guys do such things?  I have no idea, but I don't think I'll ever out grow it.

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