Saturday, July 16, 2011

AMC Gremlin

While out and about today, I found this AMC Gremlin sitting on a corner.  It was a very nice looking Gremlin - as far as good looking Gremlins go.

My dad had a couple of these monstrosities when I was a kid.  He loved them.  He swore by their reliability and if he could, I'm sure that he would own another today.

I have some memories of this car myself.  I actually learned to operate a manual transmission in one of these. I would put it's 6 cylinder through some serious tests, nearly taking out a mailbox one time - a feat that I heard much about for quite some time while "growing up."

When I was younger, we used to go to Ontario, Ca, a nearby city, to drag race our cars on the streets in an industrial area.  There was an older gentleman with one of these on what appeared to be stock wheels a tires - a real sleeper.  This thing had guts.  He would race often and I'd see him win plenty.  My friend had a 67 Mustang and would soon be humiliated by the old guy with the Gremlin and we wouldn't let him live it down.

Those Gremlins were something else.  They weren't pretty, but some loved them.

If you think the Gremlin was bad, I even drove my mom's pinto around for a while.

Here's a photo of the one on the corner in Big Bear Lake, Ca.  All that I had was my Blackberry.  Therefore, the image quality is not great.

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