Thursday, December 16, 2010

The Paint is In

Today would have been a really great day had it not begun with a trip to the Humane Society to put down our beloved pet of over 9 years.  She was a 12 year old mutt, looking as though she was a strange mix of Cocker Spaniel and Dachshund.  Somehow, she managed to become partially paralized last night, unable to walk.

The wife called a friend for some advice.  Her friend had a pet that went through the same thing.  After spending quite a bit of money at the vet, the friend was eventually informed that they could not do anything for the animal and suggested putting  her down.

We had also seen something similar with a friend's dog that had become paralyzed.  Having witnessed this, we could not allow our dog to live in such a condition.

After taking our dog to be put down, I fetched tins with their new paint.  Returning to my brother's house, where my bike was stored, I quickly proceeded to assemble the bike.

A short time later, the bike was complete.  I took a brief moment to give it a quick bath.  Once dried, I hopped on and rode it to the place of my employer, where I would display it in all its glory to my co-workers.

I rode the bike home.  It was a brisk 40 degrees or so.  My face was freezing as I arrived home.  It was worth it just to have it nearby while I wait out this storm that will be keeping southern California company for the next week or so.

I'll post some pictures soon.

David Mann Chopper Fest in Ventura

This past Sunday, I had the pleasure of attending the David Mann Chopper Fest in Ventura. It was truly one of the best shows I've attended.  There were bikes, miscellaneous parts for sale, more bikes, David Mann art, and more bikes.

Unfortunately, I had to drive the car there.  My bike was still awaiting the painted tins. Although, this was very fortunate for my nephew, who I asked to join me.

The day was beautiful.  It was unlike any day in December that I can remember - the temp in the 80s and perfect riding weather.

I managed to snag a few pics worth sharing.  The parking lot had many bikes and a few cool cars.  The show had more bikes on display, attempting to earn some of the awards being handed out.

All in all, it was a great day and I look forward to next year's event.

If you're unfamiliar with David Mann's work, just click here for a link to a Google images search.

There were tons of cool bikes.  Some of them classics, some rat bikes, and some crazy customs.  Here's a few - not necessarily the best bikes, but different.

These first photos are from the show you are presented with upon paid admission ($12).

Here's a few bikes that some of the vendors had on display.

My wife would hate this 1 due to her hate for odd numbers.

And here are a few images of vehicles found in the parking lot.

Thursday, December 2, 2010

V-Rod Trike?

A couple of weeks ago, I had the pleasure of attending the motorcycle swap meet in Long Beach.  Unfortunately, we got there a bit later than we should have and the vendors were beginning to pack up.  I managed to talk to a few people and peruse some of the goods, but it would have been much better would have made it there a bit earlier.

There were quite a few bikes in the parking lot to gawk at.  Some were very cool, but not that different from other bikes I had photographed in the past, i.e. some bobbers, choppers, low-rider style Road Kings and Softails, etc.  There was one, however, that caught my eye - a V-Rod trike.  That's right.  Somebody took one of Harley-Davidson's sport models and converted it to fine trike specimen.

Here's the only photo that I took at the event.  Never mind that there appears to be an empty lot.  This was taken quite late and most had already packed up and left for the day.