Sunday, July 25, 2010

Exile Cycles Open House and Ride Update

Exile hosted their open house and ride today. There were over 30 bikes participating today in the event. Russell Mitchell was extremely hospitable, answering questions regarding the bikes in the shop, and just being a very approachable and personable individual.  Donuts, croissants, muffins, and coffee were provided to the attendees. There was also a raffle in which I took part - once again, I didn't have anything to bring home.

Russell herded the people out of the shop to begin the ride.  Not being one to enjoy having wild riders surrounding me in a group ride with some that I am not familiar riding with, I chose to lay back and let people go ahead of me.  This would be the first time such an event backfired on me.  I was stranded with a few others at the very first traffic signal - possibly the longest traffic signal in Los Angeles or California all together.  I had no idea where the destination was, although I did grab one of the provided maps on the way out.

Fortunately, the guy on the Street Glide next to me at the signal was familiar with the area and the destination.  I followed this stranger down the road and onto the interstate.  I typically ride fast, but this guy moved like a bat out of hell.  He sped through traffic, going in and out of lanes and lanesplitting where possible.  I managed to catch up to him off and on, performing a sort of yo-yo motion.

We made it to our first destination, The Rock Store,  a canyon biker hangout similar to Cook's Corner and Hell's Kitchen - of which I'm familiar.  The crazy rider I had been following introduced himself as Art Hall, a writer for the Quick Throttle magazine.

We hung out at the Rock Store, chatting and checking out the various bikes on the premises for a couple of hours. The few remaining of the group decided to ride to another local hangout, The Sagebrush Cantina in Calabasas.  Russell Mitchell, Art Hall, photographer Bart Mitchell, and others would be there enjoying the view and generally having a good time.

After a while, Art and I rode through Topanga Canyon and down to Sunset Blvd.  We took Sunset through Beverly Hills and into Hollywood where we would go our separate ways.

I had a great time, putting over 200 miles on the bike today and meeting some great people.  I look forward to seeing them all again.

I'll leave you with some images from today's festivities.

A view of The Rock Store in Calabasas from the street.

A nice pinkish chopper, using that doily technique for the paint.

Art Hall on an Exile Cycles bike outside The Rock Store. He might look familiar because he was the one that test rode and wrote a review of the new Harley 48 in Quick Throttle Magazine.

These lovely ladies are sporting some chaps that were being sold at the Sagebrush Cantina.  They put on a little fashion show.

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